Getting Candid With Strut Co-Owner Rozina

To celebrate Women's History Month, we wanted to sit down individually for a candid, genuine interview with each of the co-owners of Strut Clothing. Both of our Strut Clothing owners are fantastic, bold women who have taken such an impressive leap in the fashion industry and we are honored to celebrate them throughout Women's History Month!

Starting off with staying motivated, what motivates you everyday to show up and be your best self?

Rozina: Having a balanced lifestyle motivates me to show up and be my best self. With a routine, I make sure I start each day off with a nutritional meal, at least an hour's worth of a workout, set goals for myself, and have a Strut meeting. Having little tasks like these in the morning excites me to get out of bed and know that with a routine, I am working a little bit every day to improve myself for the better. Reaching goals definitely does not happen overnight, that’s why I’m a firm believer that you must take a step back, set these achievements, and ask yourself: “what can I do every day that will help me reach these goals?” Now don’t get me wrong, on some days I feel like nothing is changing and there's no point behind some tasks I’m completing, but those are the times I become stronger because I keep pushing and reminding myself of that end goal. My family is a huge source of where I gain motivation as well. They are all entrepreneurs of 10+ years and every day I remind myself that they had to start somewhere as well. On the days I lose motivation, I look up to them and remember where they started and how far they’ve come. They were the ones that pushed me to start Strut with Julia in the beginning. Even though we were young and had a lot to learn, they encouraged me because they knew this is the time to start. Looking back, I couldn’t be more grateful that I took this leap of faith with Julia to create Strut. I have the biggest support system and I couldn't be more thankful for all the love I’ve been given throughout this process! 

What achievements in your life are you most proud of and why?

Rozina: I may be biased, but of course Strut is currently one of the biggest achievements in my life. From a young age, I always knew I wanted a business of my own, but I’d always say “someday”. When I first met Julia we were talking about all our hopes and dreams, and that was the first time I thought that “someday” could be now. We set all odds aside and jumped into this whole thing with nothing but faith. Fast forward to over a year now, my life wouldn’t nearly be as eventful as it’s been without Strut and I am so thankful for all the amazing business owners, creators, and friendships we’ve met along the way. With achievements comes many mistakes overtime, but that’s what helps us grow as a business and learn to move forward with a different approach for next time. Another thing I consider an achievement in my life is my relationship with my fiance. Many people don’t know what we’ve been through as a couple and how much sacrifice went into it. When we started dating, he was in the military stationed in Tuscon, AZ and I was a junior in college at the University of Florida. Right when I thought things couldn't get harder with the long distance, he got deployed to an air force base in Saudi Arabia. This was a 6 month long term and with many FaceTime calls, missed birthdays and holidays, living completely different lives, we both committed and came out of it stronger than ever. I remember having “friends” in college telling me it’s not going to work out between the two of us, but now fast forward to 3.5 years, we are engaged, just bought a house, and are getting married in 2 months! I consider this an achievement because it definitely was not easy for either of us and I take it as an example to show anyone if they truly want their relationship to work, it’s all up to the two of them. 

Finally, what advice would you give to young women wanting to pursue their dream careers?

Rozina: I would advise young women wanting to pursue their dream careers to never compare yourself to others, surround yourself with like minded peers, and never stop networking. Us women tend to compare ourselves to others at times which can get in our heads and overpower our emotions, but we must understand that we are all different in our own way and have our strengths and abilities. Going into your dream career this is the mindset that will shine confidence throughout your work. Everyone's on their own path to success and no matter what stage you're in, you must enjoy your journey without looking at the way others are making it for themselves. Surrounding yourself with like minded people will only make you stronger throughout this process. These people determine your actions and habits, and if you’re surrounded by a good support system and career oriented peers, you're on your way to success. Networking is the final thing I believe is a must when pursuing a dream career. Learning from others and gaining connections in your field is going to be the best way to kick start your career search. Setting up calls, going to events, joining a club at school…anything you can do to expand your network is going to bring you knowledge and help you get one step closer to that dream career! 

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